Nora Goldie Feldman
Credentials: Nora Goldie Metals/DeliverySafe
Position title: Metalsmith & Owner/Social Media & Graphic Design Specialist
Major: Communication Arts (Radio, TV, Film)
Certificate: Digital Studies
Graduation Date: May 2016
How did you end up at where you are today?
I’ve always enjoyed doing all things “creative” but could never choose just one creative thing to spend a lifetime exploring (and one that might also afford me to eat). Since college, I have mostly worked in digital media and graphic design because that is the one creative job that does actually pay something. In 2018, I met MSW alum Ben Schumaker and became the only other full-time employee of his nonprofit, The Memory Project, which organizes youth art exchanges around the world. I worked for Ben doing project organization, outreach, graphic design, website management, video production/editing, etc. for two years until the pandemic hit and I was furloughed. During the furlough, I dove back into metalsmithing (which I had done here and there since high school) and realized that it is truly my passion precisely because it combines every single creative thing I’ve ever loved into one. I work in graphic design and social media part-time to pay the bills, as I am not able to fully support myself on jewelry alone…yet!
What does a typical day look like for you?
On a good day, I spend half of the day on Nora Goldie Metals things and half on DeliverySafe duties. Daily jewelry tasks include everything from designing the jewelry, to creating, photographing, marketing, and mailing depending on what stage I am in on a particular project. My DeliverySafe duties involve managing all social media accounts, creating graphic design assets (ad and organic, digital and print), editing video, and conducting outreach.
How has Digital Studies influenced your career path?
As you can see, every job I’ve ever had has been built on a foundation of digital studies. They have all involved graphic design, video/photo editing, social media, and everything else that the Digital Studies certificate covered. I can’t give specific examples but it has helped me build a solid enough foundation for me to work professionally in a range of digital media.
Do you have any advice for current students?
If you aren’t sure about what you want to do, try as many things as you can and don’t worry too much! As long as you are exploring and paying attention, you’re going to learn SOMETHING, and this will eventually lead you to THE thing.
What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career thus far?
Starting Nora Goldie Metals and actually making it (half) work!